Can I pay by cheque?

Yes for annual subscriptions only. To subscribe with a cheque payment simply send your payment  ($49.99 + HST: $57.49) to the following address:
Cindy Day
P.O. Box 1151
Dartmouth PO Main, NS
B2Y 4B8
Once we receive your cheque, Cindy will email a code for you to enter on the credit card payment screen to discount the price to $0!

Can I e-transfer?

Yes, I accept e-transfer for a yearly subscription. ($49.99 + HST: $57.49) The email address is cindyday.ca@gmail.com. Be sure to email me with a note so I can contact you for some information to set you up!


Can I submit a photo for the Daily Snapshot?

Absolutely! To send in your photos to be featured in our Daily Snapshots please email: