If it happens in the sky, Cindy Day knows why

Flying Saucers over Five Islands

You’ve no doubt heard the expression -stop and smell the roses. My take on that is to stop and look at the clouds! Very few days are cloud-free in the Maritimes, and...

July 22, 2024
If it happens in the sky, Cindy Day knows why

Relief from Thunderstorms… Fact or Myth?

It’s been hot! Officially, a heat wave is 2 or more consecutive days with highs between 28° and 30°, overnight lows of 18° or more and a maximum humidex of 36....

July 17, 2024
If it happens in the sky, Cindy Day knows why

Arcus cloud over Prince County, PEI

We see clouds almost every day; they come in all shapes and sizes:  some look menacing, while others are light, fluffy and full of promise!  Last Sunday, not long af...

July 02, 2024
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