If it happens in the sky, Cindy Day knows why
Aurora Set to Glow
Most of us know what a storm chaser is, but have you ever heard of an aurora chaser? With all due respect, these are sleep-deprived people who chase auroras o...
November 29, 2023
If it happens in the sky, Cindy Day knows why
What’s your spin on Spindrift?
Spindrift. No doubt you’ve heard the word. You might know it from the book published in 2018 – a Canadian Book of the Seas. Perhaps you have had the pleasure o...
November 22, 2023
If it happens in the sky, Cindy Day knows why
El Niño- understood
With meteorological winter less than three weeks away, the question I most often hear when I’m out and about is “Are we getting lots of snow this winter? From skiers...
November 13, 2023
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