If it happens in the sky, Cindy Day knows why

The silence of the snow

  Legend has it that the Inuit have more than 100 words for snow. While the actual number is difficult to determine, linguists think the number is probably clos...

February 07, 2024
If it happens in the sky, Cindy Day knows why

A stroll down cloud streets

You may or may not be aware of the incredible storm that took place on my Facebook page over the weekend. It came on the heels of a column I wrote about a very inter...

January 23, 2024
If it happens in the sky, Cindy Day knows why

Cloud conundrum

I love clouds!  They come in all shapes and sizes!  Judging by the number of cloud photos I receive from you, I am not alone. Earlier this month, Helen Fletcher reac...

January 19, 2024
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