Grandma Says

Nothing to do? Check for some dew!

  It’s hard to believe that we are exactly one week away from the final day of meteorological summer. While some choose to ignore them, there have been signs: e...

August 24, 2023
Grandma Says

La Quinzou – ça fête chez-nous!

If you have Acadian roots, I don’t have to tell you that tomorrow is a  big day! In Canada, August 15 is a day set aside to celebrate Acadian culture. It dates back ...

August 14, 2023
Grandma Says

Our Summer is Going to the Dogs

  There are many different ways to look at summer.  Astronomically, we are just a little more than a month in. Climatological summer, on the other hand, is two-...

July 27, 2023
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